To a boy who doesn’t know what I am worth
Let me spell it out for you in
Every unspoken verb
And noun, and pronoun, and adjective
So you can see where it was that you went wrong
I am worth every smile and every laugh
Every bright gaze and every dream
I am worth a sunrise and a half
I am much more spirit than I may seem
I am smart and I am fun
I am ditzily dancing through life
And I do not care for carrying any excess strife
Because I am worth that crease you get on the side of your face
From laughing too hard in a particular place
I am worth a thousand lines of poetry drawn squarely against the sea
I am a hiccup of a good time
I listen
I care
I am constantly aware
And ready and rearing
To be there for those who will dare
Share their time with me
I am worth hand holding down the street
And picnics in the park
I am worth pizza dates, movie nights, cuddle fests,
And dancing in the dark
I am worth a jaw dropping stare
Because I look so goddamn good in sexy underwear
Which, you know, you’ll never get to see
Now that you chose not to be with me
And if heaven and brownies had a baby
It would smell exactly like me
Cause I smell good
Good enough to eat
I am worth stacks and stacks of unread books
Because I am a mystery wrapped up in a soliloquy
Darting across your tongue as you speak my verse
You who once controlled my universe
I am worth that tickle you get in the back of your throat
When you have something important you need to say
I am worth the tree that stood in the park and gave you shade
When all you wanted was to get away
And I am worth gallons upon gallons of ice cream
That will always leave you with a smile
Even when you’ve had too much
I am worth the coolness of a snow cone
The gentleness of a caress
The steadiness of a mother’s gaze
The laughter during recess
The comfort of a pillow
Much like my own pillow
Which I’ve sobbed in many a time because of your words
Your words
Which are usually so lovely to my ears
But now, instead, are killing me with syllables
I am worth every butterfly in your stomach
When you’re about to do something so wonderful it scares you
I am worth every tear that falls from your eyes
When witnessing something so utterly beautiful
I am worth every moment that’s taken the breath from your lungs
Because I am a moment
A moment you’ll never get back
I am worth all of these things
Which took me a long time to realize
But now that I have, it has occurred to me
That I should never have to compromise
For a son of a bitch like you
Who never truly saw me
Never truly knew me
Never truly understood that I am worth much more
Than you deserve, which I hope now you know
I don’t need you
And all the pain you put me through
And one day I’m going to find me a man
Who, upon first glance, will clearly see a girl
Who is not just worth all of these things,
But is also worth the world
Who will ravish me, protect me
Cherish me, respect me
And love
Love me for me
And know my worth utterly, totally, completely
Because I am worth so very much in all reason and rhyme
So get out of my life and out of my head
Because, quite frankly,
You just are not worth my time